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How I Met Your Mother T-SHIRT

The winners can choose design, sentence and

image on the t -shirt (the pic on the right is

just an example, custom size).


The possible and the impossible meet,

to become... the possimpible!

How I Met Your Mother MUG

The winners can get some personalized mugs

for their kitchen. They can choose sentence

and image on the mug (the image 

on the right is just an example).


Is the coffee ready?!?!


Would you like to be spotted when you are

walking (or singing) in the rain?


Win this mother hunt and get a yellow

umbrella, success guaranteed! 

How to Hunt the Mother SURPRISE_PRIZES

Depending on how this mother hunt goes,

there might be some surprise prizes.

No promises but... fingers crossed!


Producers, writers, cast...wanna help?

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Make a donation in order to make it possible to get prizes for the Mother Hunt Winner!
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PS:  in the the best case scenario (lots of donatios = lots of prizes for everyone), the money that won't be spent for the mother hunt will be donated to charity in Perù. This was my initial idea but... I am not famous so... people don't know me so... I am just trying.
Thanks anyway to partecipate.
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